The Cultural Council was created in 2012. Idalina Sardinha chaired it until 2017. The Cultural Council based its activity on the dynamics created by a group of Clubs that promoted tributes to different individuals, conferences, talks and book launches. Follow all the activities here.

The Clubs promoted by the Cultural Council developed their activity in areas as diverse as cinema, literature and brainstorming sessions, manifesting themselves through initiatives sometimes promoted by their mentors or associated with other individuals or organisations. The activity developed by these Clubs has enabled new and fruitful alliances, not only within the academic fabric but also in the interaction with the surrounding community.

Clube Ateneu
Criado em 2013, o "Clube de Cidadãos / Clube Ateneu" desenvolveu encontros e tertúlias dedicadas a temas diversos e conduzidos, em ambiente informa, por personalidades da sociedade madeirense.
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Clube Universitário de Cinema
Criado em 2013, o "Clube Universitário de Cinema" desenvolveu sessões públicas e alternativas ao cinema tradicional, oferecendo um espaço de partilha e reflexão sobre o cinema como objeto cultural.
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Clube das Artes e Ideias
Criado em 2014, o "Clube das Artes e das Ideias" procurou, através da sua atividade e no âmbito das artes plásticas, trazer à discussão os domínios da expressão estética de ideias e modos de ver o mundo.
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Clube Corpo.Território
Criado em 2015, o "Clube Corpo.Território" dedicou a sua atividade a questões do corpo e do movimento.
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Clube de Leitura
Criado em 2015, o "Clube de Leitura" tratou da partilha pelo gosto dos livros, promovendo encontros entre leitores e autores.
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Other activities filled the Cultural Council’s calendar. In collaboration with the Students Association, “Tributes” were paid to several individuals who played an important role in Portuguese musical culture, namely: Zeca Afonso (2013), Max (2014), Amália Rodrigues (2015), António Variações (2016) and Carlos do Carmo (2017). The tributes were paid as a musical show and had the collaboration of academic music groups, students and alumni of the University of Madeira.